Dennis Gyllensporre
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- Gyllensporre, Dennis ; Monin Nylund, Axel-Charles (2024). Military Peacekeeping Mediation
A First-Hand Account from Mali. Santérus Förlag. ISBN: 9789173350716 - Gyllensporre, Dennis; Håkan Edström (2013). Political aspirations and perils of security – Unpacking a military strategy for the United Nations. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137008718
- Gyllensporre, Dennis; Håkan Edström (2012). Pursuing Strategy: NATO Operations from the Gulf War to Gaddafi. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230292802
- Gyllensporre, Dennis (2010). Competing and Complementary Perspectives on the EU as a Crisis Management Actor: An Examination of the Common Security and Defence Policy through Lenses of Idealism and Realism. Maastricht: Boekenplan. ISBN 9789086661725
- Gyllensporre, Dennis; Geoffery Corn (2010). International Legality, the Use of Military Force, and Burdens of Persuasion: Self-Defense, the Initiation of Hostilities, and the Impact of the Choice Between Two Evils on the Perception of International Legitimacy. 30 (utgåva 2). Pace Law Review
- Gyllensporre, Dennis (2008). Défense Nationale et Sécurité Collective. 64 (utgåva 2). Pace Law Review
- Gyllensporre, Dennis (2008). The New Concert of Europe (utgåva 5). Impetus: Bulletin of the EU Military Staff
- Gyllensporre, Dennis (2008). European Union Crisis Management: Europe Returns to the Fore of International Security. 3 (utgåva 5). Journal of International Peace Operations
- Gyllensporre, Dennis (2006). Supporting African Military Capacity Development (utgåva 3). Impetus: Bulletin of the EU Military Staff
- Gyllensporre, Dennis (2003). Decision Navigation: Coping with 21st-century challenges in tactical decisionmaking. LXXXIII (utgåva 5). Military Review
- Gyllensporre, Dennis (2001). Adding Nonlinear Tools to the Strategists Toolbox. Fort Leavenworth, KS: Command and General Staff College, ADA396640
- Gyllensporre, Dennis (1991). Some Perspectives on Input Devices. Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, TRITA-NA-9114
- Gyllensporre, Niklas; Erik Svanholm (1989). Företagsförvärv – en Probitanalys av svenska marknaden. Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, ISSN: 99-0262256-9